Please Contact Front Office for more Information
or 915-857-1263)
As fellow pilgrims on the road to our heavenly home, you and I move about from one parish to another for different reasons and circumstances, and we are blest by our encounter as a grace moment of support and encouragement. One thing is for sure, we are called to keep moving, moving in the right direction.
Our mission is no different from our Patron Saint, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, who by her great love for the poor, the immigrant and children, continues to walk us to heaven. Her tireless mission continued beyond her native Italy to the shores of New York City, reaching distant places like Chicago and as far west as Denver, Colorado. Mother Cabrini’s spirit, challenges us to continue moving beyond the comfort zone and extend ourselves far and wide.
Mother Cabrini expresses well our Catholic (universal) identity in going forth “to the ends of the earth and tell the Good News”. As a place of worship and spiritual growth, our hearts learn to grow so we may extend ourselves to all in need, wherever the Spirit of God may lead us. May we, like our holy Patron, never tire of responding to her legacy of hope and joy, of welcome and mission, of faith and trust.
At least one parent must be a practicing and active Catholic who will rear the infant as a Catholic Christian. Parents who are not practicing their faith are asked to make a serious decision to renew the practice of their faith at this time, before registering their child for the sacrament.
If you are not a registered parishioner and live outside our Parish boundaries, you must present a letter of permission from the Parish you live closest to.
A Godparent is a person who commits to spiritually assisting the parents of the child in raising him/ her in knowing God and the Faith received. Every newly baptized must have a least one Godparent. Only one sponsor is required. If two sponsors are elected they must be a male and a female.
A Godparent must be fully initiated in the faith (Baptized, Confirmed and received Eucharist) and a practicing Catholic, at least 18 years old. If the sponsor is married, they must be so in the CHURCH. If the sponsor is single, they cannot be living with a partner out of wedlock.
This program gives parents and Godparents an opportunity to reflect on their own faith, to learn more about the meaning of the sacrament of Baptism, and to be made aware of the responsibilities of being Catholic parents or sponsors at baptism. Having registered their child to be Baptized, Parents and Godparents must participate in a pre-baptismal class.
PLEASE NOTE: We ask that parents with Children to please find someone to care for them since we do not offer child care.
Requirements Checklist:
Registrations should be made in the office at least one (1) month in advance.
Deadline to register is the 20th of each month.
Court-Certified birth certificate of child to be baptized.
If living outside Mother Cabrini boundaries and not a registered parishioner, a letter of permission from your Parish is required.
Parents and Godparents are required to attend a pre-baptismal class. If you have attended pre-baptismal classes in the past two years, please present valid proof.
Pre-baptismal classes are offered the first Saturday of every month.
Godparents must present their certificates of Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion. And should they be married; a Church marriage certificate is required.
The Baptism celebration takes place the second weekend of every month unless the church advises you otherwise.
Donation per child $50.00
For registration forms, please visit parish office.
Para formularios de registro, por favor visite la oficina parroquial.
Children’s first holy communion
For additional information, please contact the Religious Formation Director on our Program for First Holy Communion.
Registration for Religious Formation
To register for any of our Religious Formation Programs (First Communion, Confirmation & RCIA), we would like to make you aware of the following documentation necessary. Parents registering your children for the first time must present registered copies of their children’s sacraments. These are newly issued documents from the parish they were baptized. This requirement is due to the increase of falsified documents we have received. Therefore, these documents must be updated and certified at the church where those sacraments were received. Please take the time necessary now, to gather these documents and be prepared when we begin registrations in June. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Inscripciones para Formación Religiosa
Para inscribir a sus hijos en cualquier de nuestros Programas de Formación Religiosa (Primera Comunión, Confirmación y RICA), queremos avisarles de los documentos requeridos. Los padres inscribiendo a sus hijos por primera vez deben presentar copias actualizadas registradas de sus sacramentos. Estos son documentos recién remitidos de la parroquia en la que fueron bautizados. Esto se debe al aumento de documentación falsa que hemos recibido. Por lo tanto, estos documentos deben ser recientemente actualizados. Por favor, tómese el tiempo necesario ahora, para adquirir estos documentos en preparación para las inscripciones en junio. Gracias por su comprensión y cooperación.
Teen’s Confirmation
For additional information, please contact the Religious Formation Director on our Teen Confirmation Program.
Registration for Religious Formation
To register your teen in our Confirmation Religious Formation Program, we would like to make you aware of the following required documents. Parents registering their child for the first time must present registered copies of their children’s sacraments (Baptism & First Communion). These are newly issued documents from the parish they were baptized. This requirement is due to the increase of falsified documents we have received. Therefore, these documents must be updated and certified at the church where those sacraments were received. Please take the time necessary now, to gather these documents and be prepared when we begin registrations in June. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Inscripciones para Formación Religiosa
Para inscribir a su joven/cita en nuestra Formación Religiosa de Confirmación, queremos avisarles de los documentos requeridos. Los padres inscribiendo a sus hijos por primera vez deben presentar copias actualizadas registradas de sus sacramentos (Bautizo y Primera Comunión). Estos son documentos recién remitidos de la parroquia en la que fueron bautizados. Esto se debe al aumento de documentación falsa que hemos recibido. Por lo tanto, estos documentos deben ser recientemente actualizados. Por favor, tómese el tiempo necesario ahora, para adquirir estos documentos en preparación para las inscripciones en junio. Gracias por su comprensión y cooperación.
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults was originally designed for adults seeking a conversion of Faith in the Catholic Church. It was fruit of the Second Vatican Council Fathers and a gift for the Church we all have benefited from beyond just adults. Today, this process of conversion has expanded to include older children and young adults seeking full reception into the Catholic Faith as Catechumens or Candidates for the Sacraments.
This process is unlike any of the other more common religious formation programs in that it is the participant who sets the pace of their learning and conversion. Meaning, they all grow in knowledge and love of God as individuals. Ultimately it requires everyone to make a personal commitment beyond just learning and growing to come a full, active, conscious practicing member of the Body of Christ.
If this is a process you have been searching for, we encourage you to contact the office of Religious Formation for more information on beginning your journey of Faith.
sacrament of Marriage
Through the Sacrament of Marriage, Christ’s sacred covenant is made real in every man and woman who consecrate their lives to God and to each other. Holy Mother Church takes to heart the sacredness of this process providing every couple an in-depth understanding (theology and spirituality) of the sacrament of marriage.
To begin, please complete the registration form for marriage at the parish office. One of the parish priests will contact you to schedule the beginning of your process. PLEASE DO NOT MAKE ANY WEDDING PLANS UNTIL AFTER YOU HAVE MET WITH ONE OF THE PRIESTS (i.e. wedding date, reserving a hall, music, etc.)
Sacramental certificates of Communion and Confirmation, and an updated Baptismal certificate for both the Bride and Groom.
If the ceremony is a mixed-marriage i.e. (Catholic & Non-Catholic), please advise Fr. Ben at the time of your initial interview.
If you are married by the court, a copy of your marriage certificate.
Must be registered at Mother Cabrini Parish.
If you are living outside Parish boundaries, a letter of permission from your Parish is required.
Donation fee of $400.00 for registered Parishioners / $500.00 for Non-registered Parishioners: (Includes the FOCCUS Inventory)
Couples are responsible to obtain a Choir for their celebration (a requirement). You are welcome to contact one of the parish Choir Directors.
Sacrament of reconciliation
This holy Sacrament of healing and reconciliation is offered on a regular basis to those Baptized Catholics having completed their preparation for this sacrament. Our Catholic faith teaches us that it is only through Christ, in the person of the Ordained Priest, that we can receive forgiveness of our sins. It is through this sacrament that we bring forth serious matter/ offenses that only through the Grace of God can be removed from our conscious.
As usual, most parishes offer this opportunity for confession on Saturday afternoons from 4 PM – 5 PM. We ask everyone to please arrive early as there is usually a waiting line. A priest may also be available by appointment by calling the parish office.
Anointing of the sick
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is offered to Catholics suffering from an extended or serious illness or in preparation for a pending surgery. We ask those seeking the Sacrament to contact the parish office to make the necessary arrangements with plenty of time.
Holy orders
By means of this Sacrament, men chosen by God to serve as priests, are ordained to Holy Orders as priests or deacons. They are to discern this calling by means of extensive priestly formation in a special institute called the seminary. They engage in-depth study of God and the Church (theological studies) for a number of years before being deemed ready to be called to Holy Orders.
Young men (under the age of 35) who have completed the sacraments of initiation, without any prior commitments (of marriage or children), in good health (mentally, spiritually and physically) and sense a call to serve God and neighbor by means of Holy Orders, can contact any parish priest for more information on how to discern this possible calling.
Christian Funeral
We know that planning a funeral can be an extremely stressful and overwhelming necessary task. At Mother Cabrini, we will meet with you and your loved ones to help you plan the Funeral Vigil, Mass and Christian Internment of your beloved deceased. We will walk you through the entire process, and help answer your questions.
To plan a Christian Funeral Service at Mother Cabrini, please begin by contacting funeral home of your choosing then have them contact the parish office to schedule all necessary arrangements.