Good Friday Station of the Cross @3:00pm
Stations of the Cross @ 3:00pm
The Passion of the Lord @ 6:30pm
Pesame to Our Lady @ 7:30pm

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord (Beginning of Holy Week)
Blessing of Palms Outside Church
Saturday, April 1,
5:00pm English
Sunday, April 2,
7:30am Español
9:30am English
11:30am Español
1:30pm English

Ash Wednesday
Feb. 22, Ash Wednesday
i. 7 am (bil.) Mass
ii. English Services: 10 am & 4 pm
iii. Spanish Services: 12 pm (Mass) & 2 pm
iv. Bilingual Service 6:30 pm

Candelaria/ Presentation of the Lord (Thursday)
Feb. 2, Candelaria/ Presentation of the Lord (Thursday)

Holy Mary Mother Of God, Sunday
Jan. 1 (sol.) Holy Mary Mother Of God, Sunday: 9:30, 11:30 & 1:30 only

Our traditional Posadas will begin this Wednesday, Dec. 14th thru 21st at 6:30 pm. This year, we will be gathering in parishioner’s homes except for the first and last day. Join us, please see schedule listed.
Nuestras Posadas tradicionales empiezan este mie rcoles, 14 dic. Hasta 21 a las 6:30 pm. Este año las tendremos en casas de nuestros parroquianos excepto el primer y ultimo dí a. Acompa n enos siguiendo el horario programado
Dec. 14, Wed: Parish Community
Dec. 15, Thur: Michelle Moore Address: 12128 Stone Gate Ln (79936)
Dec. 16, Fri: Jose & Veronica Ramirez Address: 2098 Sun Port Way (79938)
Dec. 17, Sat: Deacon Chato & Susana Gonzalez Address: 14039 Bradley Rd. (79938)
Dec. 18, Sun: Salvador Medrano Address: 1020 Gunnerside St. (79928)
Dec. 19, Mon: Rodrigo & Lupita Rodriguez Address: 12553 Blazing Star Dr. (79928)
Dec. 20, Tues: Lupe Ortiz Address: 1556 Greg Powers B (79936)
Dec. 21, Wed: Parish Community Resting of the Child Jesus - Acostada del Niño Jesus

Parents Helping Parents
Parents helping Parents Parents of students in our First Communion, Confirmation and RCIA programs, your next session of Parents helping Parents will be Dec. 13th at 7 - 8:30 pm, see you then!
Recordatorio: Padres ayudando a Padres Padres de estudiantes en nuestro programa de Primera Comunio n, Confirmacion y RICA, su pro xima sesio n de Padres ayudando a Padres sera el 13 de noviembre a las 7 - 8:30 pm , ¡nos vemos entonces!

Hike for Life/Escalando por la Vida
Hike for Life
Join Bishop Mark Seitz on this annual event to raise awareness and funds to support Pro Life Initiatives hiking Mount Cristo Rey next Saturday, Dec. 10th beginning at 8 am. Please register to participate at: http://secure.fundeasy.com/ministrysync/event/website/home/?e=24137 or contact Ray Aguilar for more information at ElPasoH4L@gmail.com
Escalando por la Vida
Unase al obispo Mark Seitz en este evento anual para crear conciencia y recaudar fondos para apoyar las Iniciativas Pro Life que caminan por el Monte Cristo Rey el sabado próximo 10 de diciembre a partir de las 8 am. Regístrese para participar en: http:/secure.fundeasy.com/ministrysync/event/website/home/?e=24137
o comuníquese con Ray Aguilar para obtener mas informacion en ElPasoH4L@gmail.com

Solemnity, Immaculate Conception/Solemnidad, Inmaculada Concepción
Solemnity, Immaculate Conception
Let us joyfully celebrate our Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Conception in community, Thursday, Dec. 8th at 7 am Span. Mass & 6 pm Eng. Mass, a holy day of obligation.
Solemnidad, Inmaculada Concepción
Celebremos con alegría la Inmaculada Concepcion de nuestra Santísima Madre en comunidad, el jueves 8 de diciembre a las 7 am Span. Misa y 6 pm Misa de Ing, un día santo de obligacion.