A message from FR. BEN: Today's solemnity of the Assumption of our Blessed Mother in to heaven on August 15 as it is known in the west is also known as a Dormition of Mary by the church in the east. Both mark the moment when our Blessed Mother was assumed body and soul to heaven at the end of her lifetime. That is, because she was conceived immaculate of all sin and throughout her life, she never suffered the consequences of sin which is death. Ordinarily we celebrate this solemnity as a holy day of obligation except in the case as it is this year that falls on Monday. Nevertheless, it is still a solemnity the church honors and all are invited to join us at 8:30 AM for a bilingual liturgy of the Eucharist. Mary our mother assumed gloriously into heaven pray for us.
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Earlier Event: August 11
Later Event: August 21
Sunday Breakfast